Unlocking Memories through Photos
One of the reasons I just love taking photos is because it captures the essence of the moment from whatever event, function or experience in our journeys in life. It may not be a complete picture and it can certainly never capture the detailed intricacies that are so vividly encapsulated by our senses through those exact varying circumstances and environment. However, what photos do for me is they conjure and reignite memories, allowing our powerful brains to be transported back into time, unlocking the remarkable process of reliving, if even for a mere moment, those experiences....those times of the past...
I'll never forget my 1st trip out of Toronto was to Vancouver during one March Break in high school. I made a tape yes, cassette tape and each time I hear particular songs such as, Try by Blue Rodeo and Brown Eyed Girl By Van Morrison, I remember fondly those memories celebrated in B.C.!! Just like hearing a song can evoke or unleash a million thoughts, feelings and memories (both pleasant & unpleasant) so too can the power of photos!
On many occasions, we're too busy to afford the time to sift through those old photo albums that are dusting away with inches of dust as they lay lined up on the shelf untouched. Alternatively, they sit dormant on our SD memory cards & only really turn to them when we feel the need to start deleting some older photos to make room for to take newer ones. Today, I looked over many old album collections from various trips I've taken over the years. And for those moments, I was so grateful for the time to remember & to rejoice in times gone by...photos are priceless!

Cycling on Hvar Island, Croatia
Hi, welcome to my blog. This is the place where I often retreat to share reflections, thoughts, opinions, & rants...links, movie recommends & photos! Feel free to add your thoughts and opinions.
"Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."
Mother Teresa
"Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."
Mother Teresa
Monday, August 16, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Awesome #4
Somethings Just Never Change!
This evening, we had dinner with the Hui family, old family friends of ours ever since we were babies. The oldest son, Norman and his family were visiting from Hong Kong where he lives. So this evening, we reminisced a lot about the past and when we were kids growing up. One story that I was totally unaware of (because I just don't seem to have any childhood memories!), Angela mentioned when I was younger, I was leaving their house, and as I was waving goodbye, I backed up, being unaware of my surroundings and fell into the plant!! I had to laugh at that because many, many years later, I can still confirm that I'm a pretty good klutz! Every week, I'll find at least one bruise somewhere on my body and that's because I banged into something! Somethings never change...and that's funny in of itself!
This evening, we had dinner with the Hui family, old family friends of ours ever since we were babies. The oldest son, Norman and his family were visiting from Hong Kong where he lives. So this evening, we reminisced a lot about the past and when we were kids growing up. One story that I was totally unaware of (because I just don't seem to have any childhood memories!), Angela mentioned when I was younger, I was leaving their house, and as I was waving goodbye, I backed up, being unaware of my surroundings and fell into the plant!! I had to laugh at that because many, many years later, I can still confirm that I'm a pretty good klutz! Every week, I'll find at least one bruise somewhere on my body and that's because I banged into something! Somethings never change...and that's funny in of itself!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Awesome #3 - Memory Lane
Going Down Memory Lane
The last few days have been spent cleaning out my boxes of old cards, letters, notes, and knick knacks. Since the school year was too hectic to deal with my boxes of build up and collections, I had to finally face the music since there was no excuse now that I'm on summer holidays! As I was sifting through my things, I read through old cards and letters, as well as photos. The whole time, I couldn't help but have this great big smile on my face as I remembered old friends who have come and gone through the different seasons of my life and their lives. In fact, as I was reading, at some points, I was even in danger of getting a little emotional! Every season brought different joys and varying degrees of struggle in our journeys and experiences. It was like I was brought back in a time machine and looking back to my time at camp, university, teacher's college, etc...so many fond memories and so many rich experiences! I couldn't help but miss them greatly and wondered with curiosity what they were up to in life in the present time and how they were doing???
It is very rare to hang-on to true friendships for a "life-time"...and sometimes, I almost feel if it were selfish to secretly want that in life. In reality, the people that have come and gone in my life have represented a mosaic of goodness and blessing! I have been given so much and I count friendship a true treasure and gift in life. No matter what stage I was in my life, God always blessed me with caring, generous, kind and loving people who came into my life and became a part of who I was! Despite many of them having come and gone, the exercise of walking down memory lane gave me those moments to cherish again and to relive such fondness and lovingness! Awesome!
The last few days have been spent cleaning out my boxes of old cards, letters, notes, and knick knacks. Since the school year was too hectic to deal with my boxes of build up and collections, I had to finally face the music since there was no excuse now that I'm on summer holidays! As I was sifting through my things, I read through old cards and letters, as well as photos. The whole time, I couldn't help but have this great big smile on my face as I remembered old friends who have come and gone through the different seasons of my life and their lives. In fact, as I was reading, at some points, I was even in danger of getting a little emotional! Every season brought different joys and varying degrees of struggle in our journeys and experiences. It was like I was brought back in a time machine and looking back to my time at camp, university, teacher's college, etc...so many fond memories and so many rich experiences! I couldn't help but miss them greatly and wondered with curiosity what they were up to in life in the present time and how they were doing???
It is very rare to hang-on to true friendships for a "life-time"...and sometimes, I almost feel if it were selfish to secretly want that in life. In reality, the people that have come and gone in my life have represented a mosaic of goodness and blessing! I have been given so much and I count friendship a true treasure and gift in life. No matter what stage I was in my life, God always blessed me with caring, generous, kind and loving people who came into my life and became a part of who I was! Despite many of them having come and gone, the exercise of walking down memory lane gave me those moments to cherish again and to relive such fondness and lovingness! Awesome!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Recounting the Conquering of Killarney's Silver Peak...
Hiking part of the La Cloche Silhouette Trail up 543 m to Silver Peak, Killarney Provincial Park
Everyone seemed happy and content to lay undisturbed in their respective sleeping quarters. The group of us woke lazily on the Friday morning at around 9:30.
We got up and started making preparations for our climb up Silver Peak.
Our gear...
hiking poles, hiking boots, sandals, sweat towel (me!), bear bell, cameras, hat, bandana, paddles, life jackets...
Our fuel...
We prepared peanut butter and jam bagels....some with banana slices and others without. We packed our snacks knowing that we would need to have constant energy for the big hike ahead. Everyone had their water bottles filled up with Gatorade powder.
All of us were ready to roll so we hopped into our canoes and paddled for 20 minutes on David Lake before we arrived at the Silver Peak hike entry point. We docked our canoes, had a quick snack & quickly changed into our hiking boots. With the compass and map in tow, our fearless navigator, Lee, began our journey up to Silver Peak. It was 30-45 mins. into the hike before we encountered an abundance of wild blueberry bushes. After stuffing our faces with blueberries, we were ready to head on. We traversed a few hills managing to climb up and across some serious rocks! It must have been around 45 mins. to an hour when we descended into the forest...
An Unexpected Visitor
While in the forest, we realized that something wasn't quite right with the trail that we were following. We were lost! As we began to orient ourselves in the forest, Sue, took a few steps to take a look around. I was trying to catch my bearings and take a look at the surroundings. Lee was looking at the map, and Katy and Jubette (I'm guessing) were chilling....then from the corner of my eye, I see Sue crouch down like she's looking for some toad or some other small insect...then, after a minute of her being absolutely quiet...she comes up to us and whispers, "there's a bear there" & motions a "shhh" expression with her face. With that, she gave this look of urgency, "like we need to evacuate and turn around now!" Upon hearing this, I was so internally freaked out but still had the faculties to understand that I shouldn't scream but maintain control of myself! Better keep it together Yee! In my own way, I was freaking out, albeit, contained in my body! The others were scared too and we all walked at a more vigorous speed and immediately took out our bear bells and attached them to our bodies to trigger the most noise (I hoped & prayed!), so that it would keep the bear from coming near us. Lee had also taken a look at the Black Bear and told us that it was within very close range (20-25 ft.) of us from where it was chomping away at something. When I think of it, when we had hit a wrong turn when we did and all stopped to catch our bearings and to reassess our location and the direction of the right trail, I know that God was watching over us in a timely matter and taking care of our group! Bonus to that effect was that particular bear was eating and preoccupied when we spotted it! As we proceeded to hike, (I could only speak for myself as we were all relatively "silent"), I had conjured up in my mind creepy images of that bear coming out and attacking us! This thought plagued my mind constantly as we motored on...even as I transferred more thoughts on carefully negotiating my steps and prayerfully hoping that the end would be reached soon, that mere image was still etched in the back of my brain! And so regardless of what was on the forefront of my mind, I still had my senses reserved for an "at-a-moments notice" visitor...Not that I would be able to do anything about it anyways!
The Are-We-There-Yet? Hike
For what seemed like an eternity and a seemingly endless hike (in many of our minds), we must have climbed some serious ascents and descents that at times it required the use of all 4 of our limbs! I kept thinking to myself, "when are we finally going to get to the peak!?! Enough already!...In truth, that thought came to my mind maybe 6 times! [NB. That thought came to my mind about 100x when I was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro!]. The eternal optimist in me says, we're almost there...just one more peak & we're there......Sadly, that eternal optimism does not make me immune you to sweat, pain, and fatigue! Without careful maneuvering and placement of your hands and feet, it was totally conceivable that you could twist, turn or break your ankle(s)! The terrain was an eclectic combination of mossy, muddy (both dry and wet), bush/forest, rocky and at times with tree roots that jetted out of the ground (that if you weren't paying attention, could cause you to trip and propel you into the bush!). The quartzite boulders & ridges were uniquely beautiful! By far, the most glorious and uniquely Killarney features were those quartzite ridges that represented the vast La Cloche Mountain range system.
Hello Silver Peak....we finally made it!
After close to 3 hrs. of exhausting hiking, we crossed paths with other various hikers who were descending their climb. They encouraged us by saying that the peak was within reach and that we were close. I didn't have a mirror to see how my facial expression was, but trust me when I say that my body was joyful to hear of such good news! After 40 mins. of my "eternal optimism" spurring me on, we finally reached the highest peak in Killarney! We were all so elated that we gave each other high fives and took some celebratory photos! The panoramic vistas that we were able to view from the peak were sensational and we quickly understood the hoopla around climbing this peak. One could easily spend a good amount of time up there contemplating and soaking in the beauty. We must have spent half an hour to 40 mins. doing exactly that while enjoying our packed lunch of peanut butter and jam with banana bagels. The wind was terribly strong that day and we were afraid that our things would be blown off the peak! After getting a bit of rest, relaxing, refueling, & further rationing our water, we decided that we needed to start heading back down. It was around 3-4pm. The climb back down was not a walk in the park, as we had to again, carefully negotiate our steps to avoid falling or causing injury. By the time we made our way back down countless steep valleys and up countless high ascents, we were exhausted, yet very thrilled at finding the trail that led to the final steps to our parked canoes! In order for one to climb Silver Peak, you had to conquer other small peaks in order to do so. The task was not so easy as each of us could attest to. The opening site of our canoes among David Lake was a welcome one. The hike down totaled to about 3 or so hours. Without a minute to waste, Sue needed to jump into the lake to get relief from the heat and our climb! The rest of us sat down to rest and downed some much needed water! As we sat there to rest, I think that we were all quietly reflecting on how proud we were of scaling Silver Peak.....and making it out unscathed of Black Bears!!! We sat for a mere 15-20 mins. before we changed into our sandals and ventured back to our campsite.
Hindsight is always 20/20...
For several of us who were quite experienced in hiking, we had some serious flaws in our overall preparations. First, we lacked enough water for the hike and not being well hydrated could have left us in serious trouble especially as you factor in the sun beaming down hard on us as we perspired and exerted our energy and strength to climb Silver Peak. That was a close one because once we did finish our hike and happily...and finally returned to our docked canoes, we quickly made a desperate run to drink the "extra" water that we had left there and which we did not carry with us!
Second, we didn't prepare any sort of light sources in case we had to return to our docked canoes in the dark! We didn't anticipate the fact that we could get lost or disoriented on our hike. Or, if some emergency had occurred, we may have been stuck or delayed on the trail for an extended amount of time into the evening darkness. We didn't bring our flashlights or headlamps!
Third, we didn't bring the First Aid kit! Thankfully, no one got hurt or even close to it BUT the "what if's?" would've nipped us in the butt if someone did get hurt and it required the need of basic first aid supplies! Whew! *Note to self: Put on checklist for next hiking exploration!
...Still, hindsight is 20/20 & upon reflection, we contemplate for the future and make more careful preparations so as not to bust too many amateur moves!
All in all, the 3 nights and 4 day adventures in Killarney were an amazing time to enjoy the blessings of God's gift of the outdoors to us....everything from the nuances of the ever annoying (or unique) woodpecker pecking the tree, the loon singing, birds chirping, the refreshing smell of pine trees, the softness felt below the feet as we walked through the forest, the splendid view of quartzite boulders and ridges, the sunrise and the glorious sunsets, to the serene and calming lake...if you really engage and experience nature and everything that it embodies...okay, okay...even big fat ants, toads, and black bears, we could grasp the amazing beauty that surrounds us. The five of us set out on journeying through interior backcountry camping and we successfully completed that feat!
We roughed it by not showering for 3 days, showed our strength while carrying gear and portaging, championed solidarity while going together to the Thunder Box in night in the pitch black ~ I couldn't even see my own hand waving! trips to the the thunder box despite the threat of having our backside bitten off[!] [My personal fav. was hearing the pine wood lid slam down..the sound..haha...], drank filtered lake water, hiked for roughly 6 hrs. up and down Silver Peak, & just plain lived in the woods without having anyone get terribly lost, sick or hurt! I totally enjoyed our adventures and give serious props to the crew: LW, KW, jUBES, & SYH! For a group of adventure seekers who never camped together before (and for 2 Yee sisters who managed not to ring each other's neck!!! Just playin'), we played hard (our BIG hike & portaging), looked out for each other (Visiting Thunder Box in the pitch darkness; "Jubette, stop moving, let me see if that works!" ~KW asking jUBES to stop swimming to see if her life jacket worked before feeling confident enough to jump into the water! Seriously hahahaa) took care of one another (cooked tasty meals & set up camp) & had a while lot of fun! I'd go camping with you guys anytime!
Until our next wilderness adventure...
Awesome Moments!
Awesome #1
Making every TTC Connection without waiting!
In today's era, everyone, I mean, pretty much 98.25% of the population is on some sort of fanatical time schedule. We eat, sleep, and play on some sort of cruel time slots that causes us to stress, panic and even sometimes go hysterical! Having said that, now that I am a "seasoned" TTC patron, I must confess that the one time or very few times that you hit every connection (in my case today, 3 connections), you can't help but bust a serious smile on your face and feel like hey, in this big metropolis of ours, the TTC might just be the better way! Awesome!
Awesome #2
A shimmering moonlight
amidst the black sky, you have illuminated in its beauty a shimmering amazing moon! Into the wee morning hours, in the backdrop of a cool summer's breeze, I'm reminded of how richly we are blessed with God's many gifts of beauty to us. Awesome!
Making every TTC Connection without waiting!
In today's era, everyone, I mean, pretty much 98.25% of the population is on some sort of fanatical time schedule. We eat, sleep, and play on some sort of cruel time slots that causes us to stress, panic and even sometimes go hysterical! Having said that, now that I am a "seasoned" TTC patron, I must confess that the one time or very few times that you hit every connection (in my case today, 3 connections), you can't help but bust a serious smile on your face and feel like hey, in this big metropolis of ours, the TTC might just be the better way! Awesome!
Awesome #2
A shimmering moonlight
amidst the black sky, you have illuminated in its beauty a shimmering amazing moon! Into the wee morning hours, in the backdrop of a cool summer's breeze, I'm reminded of how richly we are blessed with God's many gifts of beauty to us. Awesome!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Awesome à la Camping Style
Destination: Killarney Provincial Park
Cast of Characters: SYH, jdV, KW, LW & Sophia!
The many moments of awesome were seen, heard and felt in our adventures of hiking, canoeing, portaging and roughing it out in the backcountry of Killarney.
Fellow Companion trekkers
The five of us adventurers have never taken a trip into the wilderness together! After 4 days of roughing it in the elements, I feel SO proud of our accomplishments! I mean, how can you complain when you have people you can trust, paddle, hike, get bitten all over by mosquitoes, snap (a lot) of photos for one another & hike all the way to the top of a 543m peak...and get this, go with you in the dark to the thunder box???
Smells of nature
Sights of nature
Sounds of nature
How can you go wrong when the group of individuals you trek with are ones you can count on, laugh with, freak out with, & genuinely enjoy the outdoors with? Simply, AWESOME
Cast of Characters: SYH, jdV, KW, LW & Sophia!
The many moments of awesome were seen, heard and felt in our adventures of hiking, canoeing, portaging and roughing it out in the backcountry of Killarney.
Fellow Companion trekkers
The five of us adventurers have never taken a trip into the wilderness together! After 4 days of roughing it in the elements, I feel SO proud of our accomplishments! I mean, how can you complain when you have people you can trust, paddle, hike, get bitten all over by mosquitoes, snap (a lot) of photos for one another & hike all the way to the top of a 543m peak...and get this, go with you in the dark to the thunder box???
Smells of nature
Sights of nature
Sounds of nature
How can you go wrong when the group of individuals you trek with are ones you can count on, laugh with, freak out with, & genuinely enjoy the outdoors with? Simply, AWESOME
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Lil' Things...
Recently, my friend, KW, got me a book entitled, The Book of Awesome" by Neil Pasricha and I was so delighted to discover how much I really, really liked the book! Too much of life is depressing, rushed and stressful. I think that when we make deliberate attempts to find the smaller things in life, moments that we can treasure, smile and enjoy, life would be so much more positive, with rays of sunshine streaming in to counter the sometimes, thunderstorms in our lives. In my sometimes worry-wort and flustered kind of state, I also want to remember to practise the presence of God because I know that He walks with me through every moment of my life.
So to that effect, I want to try to practice seeking and finding moments to give thanks for and to just soak and be grateful for those moments:
An Unexpected Gift
Today, a good friend of mine dropped by to pick-up something and to my surprise and delight brought me a bottle of wine as a housewarming type gift. That was completely unexpected, uncalled for, and definitely much appreciated! Now, I can add joyfully to theYee Wine Cellar! Haha!
This thing of unexpected gifts is uniquely special because of the thought that's involved. I appreciate the thought more than the actual gift because the thought and that mere moment of thinking of me is precious in of itself!
There's a SALE on something you want to buy!
I'm not much of a shopper unless it's for groceries! However, there are the odd times where I'll be eyeballing something and choose not to buy it and wait. Then, when you least expect it, you return to the store only to find out that there's a sale on the product! It's such a wicked steal especially when you're on a budget and tight on spending!
To be contd...
So to that effect, I want to try to practice seeking and finding moments to give thanks for and to just soak and be grateful for those moments:
An Unexpected Gift
Today, a good friend of mine dropped by to pick-up something and to my surprise and delight brought me a bottle of wine as a housewarming type gift. That was completely unexpected, uncalled for, and definitely much appreciated! Now, I can add joyfully to the
This thing of unexpected gifts is uniquely special because of the thought that's involved. I appreciate the thought more than the actual gift because the thought and that mere moment of thinking of me is precious in of itself!
There's a SALE on something you want to buy!
I'm not much of a shopper unless it's for groceries! However, there are the odd times where I'll be eyeballing something and choose not to buy it and wait. Then, when you least expect it, you return to the store only to find out that there's a sale on the product! It's such a wicked steal especially when you're on a budget and tight on spending!
To be contd...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Worth the Wait
Dear: Brother,
On your graduation day, being me, I didn't let a tear release from its duct although I knew that they were lining up trying to get out! I can't say enough to adequately express how extremely proud I am of your accomplishments on becoming a firefighter! I'm so proud to say that my brother is a firefighter!
During the course of your life, there were many highs as there were lows, with its many triumphs and defeats. Like many of us, we often head down a myriad of different paths and sometimes take longer to get to where we want and need to be. Sometimes, it even takes us one more extra mile to achieve our dreams. Regardless of the journey, we never quit and we always fight for what we want and for our dreams. Brother, you never quit...congrats!
It's humbling to serve others but I can only imagine in your profession, the safety of the public & of property are in your hands. Your job will be arduous, challenging, fulfilling and I'm sure, at times, heartbreaking. But, as you begin a prosperous career, know that an entourage of family and friends are here to support, pray and encourage you. And, among the pack, will be #3 cheering you on!
Be safe, be smart & be well!
Your day to shine...
"The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward youand give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26

On your graduation day, being me, I didn't let a tear release from its duct although I knew that they were lining up trying to get out! I can't say enough to adequately express how extremely proud I am of your accomplishments on becoming a firefighter! I'm so proud to say that my brother is a firefighter!
During the course of your life, there were many highs as there were lows, with its many triumphs and defeats. Like many of us, we often head down a myriad of different paths and sometimes take longer to get to where we want and need to be. Sometimes, it even takes us one more extra mile to achieve our dreams. Regardless of the journey, we never quit and we always fight for what we want and for our dreams. Brother, you never quit...congrats!
It's humbling to serve others but I can only imagine in your profession, the safety of the public & of property are in your hands. Your job will be arduous, challenging, fulfilling and I'm sure, at times, heartbreaking. But, as you begin a prosperous career, know that an entourage of family and friends are here to support, pray and encourage you. And, among the pack, will be #3 cheering you on!
Be safe, be smart & be well!
Your day to shine...
"The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward youand give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26

Monday, May 3, 2010
CN Tower Climb - April 17, 2010
A few weeks ago, I did my first CN Tower climb in support of the WWF! Like many things in my life, if I've never done it, I can develop a frantic uneasiness about it. Although I can say that I also genuinely look forward to journeying onto new frontiers and exploring new waters, I think that in the back of my head, I'm always wondering, what if I can't???
I think that despite practically playing sports my whole life and trying to be fit by pursuing athletic endeavors, I still feel that nervous panic that seems to grip my psychological sense and confidence of attempting to achieve a new physical feat!
The day of the CN Tower was Saturday, April 17. I had risen out of bed that day at 4:30 am! Growing anticipation was burning in my bones as NK & I registered, checked in our bags, jackets, & went through security. I must say that I was also a bit anxious because this marked the very first time I was going to attempt this challenge. Before the climb, I had set a very humble goal of achieving a time under 1/2 hr. up the 1,778 steps. Then, my competitive side kicked in and I said to myself, I'll aim for under 20 mins.! When Nisha and I began the climb, she said, "feel free to pass me." That was the last thing we said to each other until we reached the top in exhaustion!
The first 10 flights or so were probably the most psychologically challenging! I was trying to stay right behind Nisha but since she just zipped right on ahead, I soon realized that I was losing control of my breathing and there was no consistent rhythm. This out of control breathing alarmed me. I quickly decided to take a little off my strut and began to settle into a more comfortable pace. As a result, my breathing became more stable and controlled which brought me great relief. I maintained this consistent pace. Going around and around with people passing me and me passing others was a tad dizzy! With the sweat dripping off my brow and me checking my watch I knew that I needed to push onwards. With every other level having a paramedic smiling at me, playing his video games, reading his book or newspaper, I said to myself, "I sure could use that oxygen!" that was at the ready should anyone require it's revitalizing powers. HA!. After I passed the 100th level, I knew that I was coming to the home stretch. People had stopped ahead of me to catch their breath, stretch out or just take a break. I was going solo trying to maintain that same rhythm although at that particular point, my lungs were crying out in pain and I was seriously feeling it! Despite the physical rigor, I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't stop and that I could not give up! I was also very encouraged by the children's drawings that were posted on the wall as I made a final push up those last final flights of stairs. They somehow seemed to encourage me along as I kept climbing with heavy legs and burning lungs. As I approached the 140+ level, I could hear voices above me along with people cheering on the finishers. My steps were much more laboured and each step took great conscious effort. I knew that the end was near and that I was almost there. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT..when I was at level 143, I could hear someone saying, "one more", "one more"...I mustered all the juice I had left and made a final sprint like finish up those final steps! I didn't have the strength to go around people that were in my way or I would have probably shaved a few seconds off my time. FINISH TIME: 18 mins.05 secs.
The CN Tower Climb was a memorable and challenging experience. Another test of a physical feat that can be accomplished when we push our bodies to the max. I exceeded my goal of under 20 and I was so ecstatic in accomplishing that! WooHOO!
I think that despite practically playing sports my whole life and trying to be fit by pursuing athletic endeavors, I still feel that nervous panic that seems to grip my psychological sense and confidence of attempting to achieve a new physical feat!
The day of the CN Tower was Saturday, April 17. I had risen out of bed that day at 4:30 am! Growing anticipation was burning in my bones as NK & I registered, checked in our bags, jackets, & went through security. I must say that I was also a bit anxious because this marked the very first time I was going to attempt this challenge. Before the climb, I had set a very humble goal of achieving a time under 1/2 hr. up the 1,778 steps. Then, my competitive side kicked in and I said to myself, I'll aim for under 20 mins.! When Nisha and I began the climb, she said, "feel free to pass me." That was the last thing we said to each other until we reached the top in exhaustion!
The first 10 flights or so were probably the most psychologically challenging! I was trying to stay right behind Nisha but since she just zipped right on ahead, I soon realized that I was losing control of my breathing and there was no consistent rhythm. This out of control breathing alarmed me. I quickly decided to take a little off my strut and began to settle into a more comfortable pace. As a result, my breathing became more stable and controlled which brought me great relief. I maintained this consistent pace. Going around and around with people passing me and me passing others was a tad dizzy! With the sweat dripping off my brow and me checking my watch I knew that I needed to push onwards. With every other level having a paramedic smiling at me, playing his video games, reading his book or newspaper, I said to myself, "I sure could use that oxygen!" that was at the ready should anyone require it's revitalizing powers. HA!. After I passed the 100th level, I knew that I was coming to the home stretch. People had stopped ahead of me to catch their breath, stretch out or just take a break. I was going solo trying to maintain that same rhythm although at that particular point, my lungs were crying out in pain and I was seriously feeling it! Despite the physical rigor, I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't stop and that I could not give up! I was also very encouraged by the children's drawings that were posted on the wall as I made a final push up those last final flights of stairs. They somehow seemed to encourage me along as I kept climbing with heavy legs and burning lungs. As I approached the 140+ level, I could hear voices above me along with people cheering on the finishers. My steps were much more laboured and each step took great conscious effort. I knew that the end was near and that I was almost there. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT..when I was at level 143, I could hear someone saying, "one more", "one more"...I mustered all the juice I had left and made a final sprint like finish up those final steps! I didn't have the strength to go around people that were in my way or I would have probably shaved a few seconds off my time. FINISH TIME: 18 mins.05 secs.
The CN Tower Climb was a memorable and challenging experience. Another test of a physical feat that can be accomplished when we push our bodies to the max. I exceeded my goal of under 20 and I was so ecstatic in accomplishing that! WooHOO!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
When a Mom ♥ Her Daughter...
Everyone says that their mom is the BEST mom on the planet. I'll go further than that & venture to say with certainty, that my mom is the best mom in the whole entire universe!
In my family, there are 4 Yee kids...Sue, Jeff, and Yvo. When we were young and growing up, there must have been some Book of Yee Lore (oh yeah, Sue's memory!) that was created to chronicle those especially crucial '80s that saw us learn, grow and play! Things such as "hand-me downs" & sermons preached repeatedly about, "when I was young, I used to walk for miles with my own two feet before I got to school and you want a bike???", being annoyed about who would be in the bathroom at the exact moment that another needed it, the girls of the house complaining about the only boy who "thought" he was king!, being assigned chores, weekly Mandarin classes and delivering the FAT Saturday Star newspaper at a neighbouring seniors home!
Yes, I went through all these emotions and even often felt absolute injustice at how the way my parents dealt with us girls compared to our brother. However, one thing that I'm reminded about regularly is despite my perceptions and thoughts, my mom loved each of her children tremendously. I can't begin to explain just how much because it cannot be measured and I'm learning to be more & more thankful for the blessing of her. She is such an incredible gift...one that I much too often take for granted.
It was tough for my mom to raise 3 of us at first and then came Lil' Yvo...we were quite the handful...Some pranks, funny things, including my brother and I pulling the building alarm - [funny, how he's a firefighter now!], a lot of bickering n' arguing, some TKOing & WWF DDTs [thanks Jeff!], we all turned out okay!
As I was growing up and even now, I sometimes question many of the things that my mom says or does just as she questions her # 3 (Haha). However, there's one thing that I know with truth and without a shadow of a doubt is that I'm certain of my mom's love for me and for my sisters and brother.
Things that I remember very, very fondly...
• When my mom used to work the 3-12 shift @ the cookie factory, she used to make dinner before she left and set aside a plate of food for my dad and each of my siblings!
• She would sometimes pack me a lunch that she prepared just before she left for work and sometimes, I would get a lovely little note on it that said, Sophia, your lunch
• Beef such as steaks would often be in the house because my mom thought about us and not about herself because she doesn't eat beef
• She would lug and carry heavy groceries - food that was for us and not necessarily her and I would be a little upset or feel a bit inconvenienced to have to go down to the car to get it (I'm ashamed!)
• When I was away in Taiwan in 2005-2006, she sent me clothes etc. half way around the world because I was her girl and she always thought about my needs
Growing up, I was always called the "Little Mom" because I loved to take care of everyone, organize and clean things up, as well as cook food when my parents were out. I owe my love for food to my mom as she always, always modeled delectable delights in our household while we were growing up - the colours/presentation, taste, texture, etc.... I appreciated her example because I've grown up to not only love food but to also to enjoy cooking. I would also always be my mom's sidekick , grocery shopping with her and helping to hold the bags [*NB. I also asked for some treats knowing that as her helper, she would get me something from the store! Smart girl, Sophia!]
Because they're 4 of us kids, I've always desired for my parents not to have to worry about me and give them the comfort of knowing that I could take care of myself and that I'd be okay. However, when I was in Taiwan, I asked my mom if she still worried about me and her response was, "of course I do, how could I not?". That's a typical loving response from my dear mom!
For these great memories and for the many small and not-so small ways in which my mom loves me, I love her! . I'm often overwhelmed by her goodness towards me because her actions are always grounded in her loving thoughts and kindness for her kids.
When I think of my mom, I think of how good God has blessed me in life to have her. I'm touched and reminded of God's love that he gave me the gift of her.
My mom is the best cook in the world (just look at me!) and even though I'm out of the family nest, I still have little treats, told about weekly grocery sales about eggs (haha!), or nagged to come home to take the rest of my stuff!
My mom is the best because she always thinks of others beyond herself and she loves her family unconditionally! I see how she cares for each of my siblings and I'm touched each time I witness her love in action or in thought!
My mom has taught me so much - to care and love others, to be generous and considerate, to respect and value others...I love her because although I don't deserve her amazing love, she loves me still because I'm her #3!
♥ Your Sooya 8)
In my family, there are 4 Yee kids...Sue, Jeff, and Yvo. When we were young and growing up, there must have been some Book of Yee Lore (oh yeah, Sue's memory!) that was created to chronicle those especially crucial '80s that saw us learn, grow and play! Things such as "hand-me downs" & sermons preached repeatedly about, "when I was young, I used to walk for miles with my own two feet before I got to school and you want a bike???", being annoyed about who would be in the bathroom at the exact moment that another needed it, the girls of the house complaining about the only boy who "thought" he was king!, being assigned chores, weekly Mandarin classes and delivering the FAT Saturday Star newspaper at a neighbouring seniors home!
Yes, I went through all these emotions and even often felt absolute injustice at how the way my parents dealt with us girls compared to our brother. However, one thing that I'm reminded about regularly is despite my perceptions and thoughts, my mom loved each of her children tremendously. I can't begin to explain just how much because it cannot be measured and I'm learning to be more & more thankful for the blessing of her. She is such an incredible gift...one that I much too often take for granted.
It was tough for my mom to raise 3 of us at first and then came Lil' Yvo...we were quite the handful...Some pranks, funny things, including my brother and I pulling the building alarm - [funny, how he's a firefighter now!], a lot of bickering n' arguing, some TKOing & WWF DDTs [thanks Jeff!], we all turned out okay!
As I was growing up and even now, I sometimes question many of the things that my mom says or does just as she questions her # 3 (Haha). However, there's one thing that I know with truth and without a shadow of a doubt is that I'm certain of my mom's love for me and for my sisters and brother.
Things that I remember very, very fondly...
• When my mom used to work the 3-12 shift @ the cookie factory, she used to make dinner before she left and set aside a plate of food for my dad and each of my siblings!
• She would sometimes pack me a lunch that she prepared just before she left for work and sometimes, I would get a lovely little note on it that said, Sophia, your lunch
• Beef such as steaks would often be in the house because my mom thought about us and not about herself because she doesn't eat beef
• She would lug and carry heavy groceries - food that was for us and not necessarily her and I would be a little upset or feel a bit inconvenienced to have to go down to the car to get it (I'm ashamed!)
• When I was away in Taiwan in 2005-2006, she sent me clothes etc. half way around the world because I was her girl and she always thought about my needs
Growing up, I was always called the "Little Mom" because I loved to take care of everyone, organize and clean things up, as well as cook food when my parents were out. I owe my love for food to my mom as she always, always modeled delectable delights in our household while we were growing up - the colours/presentation, taste, texture, etc.... I appreciated her example because I've grown up to not only love food but to also to enjoy cooking. I would also always be my mom's sidekick , grocery shopping with her and helping to hold the bags [*NB. I also asked for some treats knowing that as her helper, she would get me something from the store! Smart girl, Sophia!]
Because they're 4 of us kids, I've always desired for my parents not to have to worry about me and give them the comfort of knowing that I could take care of myself and that I'd be okay. However, when I was in Taiwan, I asked my mom if she still worried about me and her response was, "of course I do, how could I not?". That's a typical loving response from my dear mom!
For these great memories and for the many small and not-so small ways in which my mom loves me, I love her! . I'm often overwhelmed by her goodness towards me because her actions are always grounded in her loving thoughts and kindness for her kids.
When I think of my mom, I think of how good God has blessed me in life to have her. I'm touched and reminded of God's love that he gave me the gift of her.
My mom is the best cook in the world (just look at me!) and even though I'm out of the family nest, I still have little treats, told about weekly grocery sales about eggs (haha!), or nagged to come home to take the rest of my stuff!
My mom is the best because she always thinks of others beyond herself and she loves her family unconditionally! I see how she cares for each of my siblings and I'm touched each time I witness her love in action or in thought!
My mom has taught me so much - to care and love others, to be generous and considerate, to respect and value others...I love her because although I don't deserve her amazing love, she loves me still because I'm her #3!
♥ Your Sooya 8)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Rays of Sunshine & Drizzles of Delight
The past little while has been immensely joyful. In fact, I've been overjoyed primarily in witnessing some powerful movements that my students have made in their overall performance at school, be it academics or behaviour. To any teacher, I think it's safe to say that when you see children begin to transform, heading down the right path, making those steps towards improvement and reaching higher planes towards discovering their potential, one cannot help but to be overwhelmed with indescribable JOY. Of late, my heart has been overwhelmed with this gleeful feeling and I'm thankful for the encouragement because it motivates me to push and encourage my students even more. Actually, the best word would be I hope to instill inspiration, motivation and aspiration in the lives of these young people. I have passion for teaching and I was affirmed of that greatly today as I shared my feelings with my grade 5 students. I told them how proud I was of each of them, to see them be able to make a purposeful decision to give of their best in all that they do. If there was an inkling of inspiration or even a fragment of motivation in my speech, I would have done my job. Sometimes, I feel that these children need to have a fire lit from underneath them before they get rolling...sometimes it takes awhile and at other times, it takes a shorter period of time. Some children work faster and progress and develop faster than others. With so many variables to consider, I still firmly believe that hope needs to be extended to children and certainly opportunities for them to find success need to be provided. As I was sharing with them this afternoon and affirming there good work and encouraging them to push even more, I got the sense that some were emotionally moved and maybe a few were getting teary-eyed! One thing that they know about their Ms. Yee is that I'll never mix mash my words with my students and the truth will always reign supreme.
Another reason for my giddy joy is in recognizing the many simple gifts in life: family, friendship,the joy of food and cooking, smiles and laughter. I give thanks because each is like a breath of fresh air that pulsates the daily rhythm of my life. I'm learning to count my blessings & to acknowledge every good gift that comes from the Father. If I don't practise this habit routinely, I can get lost in an environment of negativity & hopelessness can often suck me right in where I can become a part of grimness and darkness and not of the light.
I believe firmly that teaching is my passionate calling in life. And, this past week, I was affirmed with great JOY, an overwhelming satisfaction & the gratifying feeling a teacher can have when there's change, no matter how big or small. The smiles on my boys and girls, their jokes and innocence (okay, okay, maybe even sometimes their not-so-innocent selves), as well as their laughter, can completely drive me nuts but make me realize how thankful I am to be so privileged to be a part of their education and lives.
Until next time I'm gripped to write the next episode of my journey in teaching...Thanks for reading!
Another reason for my giddy joy is in recognizing the many simple gifts in life: family, friendship,the joy of food and cooking, smiles and laughter. I give thanks because each is like a breath of fresh air that pulsates the daily rhythm of my life. I'm learning to count my blessings & to acknowledge every good gift that comes from the Father. If I don't practise this habit routinely, I can get lost in an environment of negativity & hopelessness can often suck me right in where I can become a part of grimness and darkness and not of the light.
I believe firmly that teaching is my passionate calling in life. And, this past week, I was affirmed with great JOY, an overwhelming satisfaction & the gratifying feeling a teacher can have when there's change, no matter how big or small. The smiles on my boys and girls, their jokes and innocence (okay, okay, maybe even sometimes their not-so-innocent selves), as well as their laughter, can completely drive me nuts but make me realize how thankful I am to be so privileged to be a part of their education and lives.
Until next time I'm gripped to write the next episode of my journey in teaching...Thanks for reading!
Friday, February 19, 2010
In defense of imperfection: Tiger Woods
In Defense of Imperfection
There is no doubt that with popularity and fame comes responsibility. However, there are ramifications and great sacrifices that are inherent when one is tossed into the public eye and limelight. The pressure is insane and cannot be fathomed. Privacy is non-existent and the media and paparazzi are ready to pounce for a photo at a second's notice or write up some gossip nonsense. There are many out there in the media who lack class, scruple and integrity. They seem to wait patiently, eagerly conniving to pounce on famous people who've made mistakes, seemingly minute or grand!
The recent hoopla and controversy surrounding Tiger Woods and his bout of infidelity has brought the world's attention to the world class superstar. The impact that this naturally gifted athlete has had on the game of golf is phenomenal and despite my non-credentials in the sport, I can tell you this much:
He has brought such a spotlight to the game of golf and helped to skyrocket its popularity worldwide. The power this individual has had over the years in golf cannot be adequately explained. When all the smoke clears from this most recent hoopla & "blown-out-of-proportion" scandal which happens to be a mistake that a human being committed, he will return to golf and for those sponsors that dropped him because of the lucrative image that companies always have to uphold and maintain, you’ll be pounding your head against the wall wishing that for one moment, just one moment, you remembered that he was human and that as a human being, we all commit mistakes of the smallest or gravest kind and no one has the right to judge him, regardless of your occupation, stature or prestige in life.
As the public, we scrutinize and scrutinize and we are so full of “righteous” judgment that we find it utterly despicable that individuals we hold on a pedestal could fall from “glory”. Being a superstar athlete is a high profile career that many of us can only see in our wildest imaginations. We don’t see how their private lives are invaded and how smack is written about them 24/7. We don’t see the pressure that amounts to being who they are because of their fame. Famous stars are like our punching bags and personal voodoo dolls where we choose to do as we please and we choose to control how certain individual's are perceived.
He will/has to account for his actions (he publicly apologized recently) and for the repercussions of his actions, both to his family and to himself. I am not condoning what Tiger Woods did in his bout of infidelity however, it bitterly disgusts me that people (the media) would take opportunities such as seeing people struggle from their mistakes, struggle even more by jumping on the bandwagon and rubbing salt into the wound so-to-say. Media can be responsible and certainly media can report respectfully, with dignity and integrity. I have ZERO respect for those who take moments of vulnerability of others to make a buck. It’s utterly disgusting to me. When things like this happen, it tells me that the world has lost its level of class.
Let He Who Has Not Sinned Cast the First Stone
"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7
There is no doubt that with popularity and fame comes responsibility. However, there are ramifications and great sacrifices that are inherent when one is tossed into the public eye and limelight. The pressure is insane and cannot be fathomed. Privacy is non-existent and the media and paparazzi are ready to pounce for a photo at a second's notice or write up some gossip nonsense. There are many out there in the media who lack class, scruple and integrity. They seem to wait patiently, eagerly conniving to pounce on famous people who've made mistakes, seemingly minute or grand!
The recent hoopla and controversy surrounding Tiger Woods and his bout of infidelity has brought the world's attention to the world class superstar. The impact that this naturally gifted athlete has had on the game of golf is phenomenal and despite my non-credentials in the sport, I can tell you this much:
He has brought such a spotlight to the game of golf and helped to skyrocket its popularity worldwide. The power this individual has had over the years in golf cannot be adequately explained. When all the smoke clears from this most recent hoopla & "blown-out-of-proportion" scandal which happens to be a mistake that a human being committed, he will return to golf and for those sponsors that dropped him because of the lucrative image that companies always have to uphold and maintain, you’ll be pounding your head against the wall wishing that for one moment, just one moment, you remembered that he was human and that as a human being, we all commit mistakes of the smallest or gravest kind and no one has the right to judge him, regardless of your occupation, stature or prestige in life.
As the public, we scrutinize and scrutinize and we are so full of “righteous” judgment that we find it utterly despicable that individuals we hold on a pedestal could fall from “glory”. Being a superstar athlete is a high profile career that many of us can only see in our wildest imaginations. We don’t see how their private lives are invaded and how smack is written about them 24/7. We don’t see the pressure that amounts to being who they are because of their fame. Famous stars are like our punching bags and personal voodoo dolls where we choose to do as we please and we choose to control how certain individual's are perceived.
He will/has to account for his actions (he publicly apologized recently) and for the repercussions of his actions, both to his family and to himself. I am not condoning what Tiger Woods did in his bout of infidelity however, it bitterly disgusts me that people (the media) would take opportunities such as seeing people struggle from their mistakes, struggle even more by jumping on the bandwagon and rubbing salt into the wound so-to-say. Media can be responsible and certainly media can report respectfully, with dignity and integrity. I have ZERO respect for those who take moments of vulnerability of others to make a buck. It’s utterly disgusting to me. When things like this happen, it tells me that the world has lost its level of class.
Let He Who Has Not Sinned Cast the First Stone
"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Responding to a Need...
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered." Proverbs 21:13
Recently at church, our pastor had been preaching about what it means to be a neighbour.
Today I was given the opportunity to practice being a good neighbour and looking out for those in need & this is how it went:
As I was heading home from my Chiro. appt., I got off at Vic Park and started walking home with the intention of grabbing a coffee at Timmy's. As I was walking to the lights to cross the street, I noticed a homeless man standing in the middle median holding a placard with the word, "HUNGRY" and asking for money. At this point, I decreased the size of my paces and thought that I should go and ask the man if he wanted something warm to drink or something to eat. Since there were so many cars passing by, I said to myself, forget it. Then as I crossed the street, I thought to myself that there's a person in need, I ought to tend to him. Again, I saw so many cars that I felt that it would take more time just to cross and ask the man so I hesitated yet again. In my stream of consciousness, I was wrestling with the idea of whether or not I should ask him. Being apprehensive caused me to walk back and forth a couple of times. Then, I thought to myself, it's awfully cold outside and I should go and ask if he's hungry because after all, that's what the sign says! So, I finally crossed to the middle median and walked towards him. I told the man that I was going to Tim Hortons and asked if he wanted a coffee or something to eat...a donut? He hesitantly said, "no thanks"...but then as I turned he said, "o-okay then." "A medium coffee with cream and three sugars." I told him no problem and that I'd be right back. Off I zipped and I was back in a hurry with exactly what he had ordered: A medium coffee with three sugars! When I handed him the coffee, I said, "keep warm and God bless." He said the same thing along with many thank yous, which extended even as I crossed the street. He was very grateful. As I was walking home, I said a quick prayer for him.
My reflection upon the whole thing today was this: Today I was given the opportunity to be a good neighbour and I took it! There were a few moments there where I was tempted to be like many others...many people would just look beyond the homeless/poor people asking for money (I've done that myself before) but I realized in those few moments of hesitation, I remembered that I'm not like everyone else! I am who I am and I'm different ~ I belong to God! Today, I responded in love and I was able to joyfully serve a person in need and I'm really grateful for that moment.
Recently at church, our pastor had been preaching about what it means to be a neighbour.
Today I was given the opportunity to practice being a good neighbour and looking out for those in need & this is how it went:
As I was heading home from my Chiro. appt., I got off at Vic Park and started walking home with the intention of grabbing a coffee at Timmy's. As I was walking to the lights to cross the street, I noticed a homeless man standing in the middle median holding a placard with the word, "HUNGRY" and asking for money. At this point, I decreased the size of my paces and thought that I should go and ask the man if he wanted something warm to drink or something to eat. Since there were so many cars passing by, I said to myself, forget it. Then as I crossed the street, I thought to myself that there's a person in need, I ought to tend to him. Again, I saw so many cars that I felt that it would take more time just to cross and ask the man so I hesitated yet again. In my stream of consciousness, I was wrestling with the idea of whether or not I should ask him. Being apprehensive caused me to walk back and forth a couple of times. Then, I thought to myself, it's awfully cold outside and I should go and ask if he's hungry because after all, that's what the sign says! So, I finally crossed to the middle median and walked towards him. I told the man that I was going to Tim Hortons and asked if he wanted a coffee or something to eat...a donut? He hesitantly said, "no thanks"...but then as I turned he said, "o-okay then." "A medium coffee with cream and three sugars." I told him no problem and that I'd be right back. Off I zipped and I was back in a hurry with exactly what he had ordered: A medium coffee with three sugars! When I handed him the coffee, I said, "keep warm and God bless." He said the same thing along with many thank yous, which extended even as I crossed the street. He was very grateful. As I was walking home, I said a quick prayer for him.
My reflection upon the whole thing today was this: Today I was given the opportunity to be a good neighbour and I took it! There were a few moments there where I was tempted to be like many others...many people would just look beyond the homeless/poor people asking for money (I've done that myself before) but I realized in those few moments of hesitation, I remembered that I'm not like everyone else! I am who I am and I'm different ~ I belong to God! Today, I responded in love and I was able to joyfully serve a person in need and I'm really grateful for that moment.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Responding to Haiti
Haiti has recently suffered a great devastation with the shocking earthquake that ravaged the island.
Society & civilization can only truly flourish if we mobilize & join one another in unity.
With thousands feared dead, countless missing & trapped beneath the rubble, & many having lost their homes, the initial stages of recovery is critical. The world needs to hear the cries of the victims, the lost, the suffering, the crushed in spirit, the sick & the wounded. The world needs to respond out of love, compassion & mercy.
In an ideal world, I would love to transport myself and take my heart and body, use my hands & my mind to volunteer my time to help the Haitian people but because this is not my reality, I still need to help my neighbour...my Haitian brothers and sisters who have suffered great loss & who are in dire desperation for the basic needs of life. I can help by giving monetarily and through prayer.
Below are some reputable organizations that have staff personnel on the ground & in the field in Haiti working closely to help assist and work with those being directly affected by the earthquake.
World Vision Canada
Doctors Without Borders
Mennonite Central Committee
Red Cross
Oxfam Canada
Humanitarian Coalition (CARE Canada, Oxfam Canada, Free the Children Canada)
Until February 12, 2010, the Canadian government will match individual donations made to Haiti relief efforts.
Hold Me
Like The River Jordan
And I Will Then Say To Thee
You Are My Friend
Carry Me
Like You Are My Brother
Love Me Like A Mother
Will You Be There?
Tell Me Will You Hold Me
Lyrics from Michael Jackson's Will You Be There
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:22
Dear: Heavenly Father,
Please keep watch over the Haitian people. Help the many volunteers & workers to mobilize and get the urgent medicines, food, and shelter to those most affected by the earthquake. Clothe the survivors with your comfort and grace. Grant them peace and hope despite unspeakable circumstances. Allow your love to transcend even the most dire of situations and keep them. Be with the people and have mercy over them. In Jesus name, amen.
Society & civilization can only truly flourish if we mobilize & join one another in unity.
With thousands feared dead, countless missing & trapped beneath the rubble, & many having lost their homes, the initial stages of recovery is critical. The world needs to hear the cries of the victims, the lost, the suffering, the crushed in spirit, the sick & the wounded. The world needs to respond out of love, compassion & mercy.
In an ideal world, I would love to transport myself and take my heart and body, use my hands & my mind to volunteer my time to help the Haitian people but because this is not my reality, I still need to help my neighbour...my Haitian brothers and sisters who have suffered great loss & who are in dire desperation for the basic needs of life. I can help by giving monetarily and through prayer.
Below are some reputable organizations that have staff personnel on the ground & in the field in Haiti working closely to help assist and work with those being directly affected by the earthquake.
World Vision Canada
Doctors Without Borders
Mennonite Central Committee
Red Cross
Oxfam Canada
Humanitarian Coalition (CARE Canada, Oxfam Canada, Free the Children Canada)
Until February 12, 2010, the Canadian government will match individual donations made to Haiti relief efforts.
Hold Me
Like The River Jordan
And I Will Then Say To Thee
You Are My Friend
Carry Me
Like You Are My Brother
Love Me Like A Mother
Will You Be There?
Tell Me Will You Hold Me
Lyrics from Michael Jackson's Will You Be There
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:22
Dear: Heavenly Father,
Please keep watch over the Haitian people. Help the many volunteers & workers to mobilize and get the urgent medicines, food, and shelter to those most affected by the earthquake. Clothe the survivors with your comfort and grace. Grant them peace and hope despite unspeakable circumstances. Allow your love to transcend even the most dire of situations and keep them. Be with the people and have mercy over them. In Jesus name, amen.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Serving on Christmas Night
A Humbling Evening...
This Christmas night marked the first time that I would not be celebrating the occasion with a big family feast. Instead, I decided to go with a few of my church mates to the Out of the Cold program down at a church on the Danforth and serve dinner to the homeless.
I hadn't been to the Out of the Cold program for ages. Basically, anyone who wishes to, may drop into the church, enjoy a nice hot dinner (squash soup, turkey, mashed potatoes & carrots with ice cream & holiday cookies!) & if they'd like, they could stay the night.
My friend, May and I were assigned to serve table #6. We got the evening meal and served our guests. They were very thankful and polite when receiving the food. For no reason that I can adequately express, I know that I felt deep joy in those moments of helping and serving...there's something very humbling about serving another...
A kind woman who I was conversing with [and hooking her up with the leftover uneaten dessert treats ~ I wrapped them nicely & put them in her plastic bag!] shared with me that "it really makes a difference with you all helping out." I couldn't help it but that brought a smile to my face.
I noticed that every guest that came into the church had either a backpack or two, or a plastic bag. The backpacks & the contents inside were probably ALL of their very possessions... everything that they own. They kept those packs near them & later set it down to secure a spot for their sleeping mat. Those of us who were volunteering would eventually finish up our work and head home to our warm homes. These people only had what was in their bags to live on...
Throughout the night, as I was watching and working, a whole bunch of thoughts were racing through my mind. [what's new?] I wondered in my head whether these guests had loved ones, any children, a partner, what were some of their stories, joys, hurts, hopes, wishes, & dreams? Unfortunately, due to the nature of the evening & the work that I was doing, I wasn't able to sit down to really engage in conversation with anyone too closely. In the end, despite each individual's life circumstance, our guests required food and shelter like we all do & they knew that they could go to Eastminister United Church and find the comforts of food, company & people, as well as shelter.
This exercise in service to others reminded me that it doesn't just have to be done during a special time of year but that serving food & the practice of hospitality can be done everyday. I pray that my eyes & heart would be more conscious & open to those opportunities. I think I'll consider going to serve in the OOTC more often.
After I finished serving, cleaning-up & handing out mats for the guest to sleep on, we all left...my friends went out for dinner @ Congee Queen & I had a date w/ Sherlock Holmes! Despite our lives moving on after a couple of hours of service & the guests satisfying their fatigue (probably walking around all day) resting in the warmth of the basement, I walked away profoundly touched and filled with compassion to serve others who are in need. I walked away feeling that I had contributed, if only a small fraction in helping to satisfy another's hunger, to serve food to another, & in a very real & meaningful way, connect with people just like you and me.
For more information, please visit:
Out of the Cold Program at Eastminister United Church
"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
Matthew 25:34-36
"We are not called by God to do extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things with extraordinary love. "Jean Vanier
This Christmas night marked the first time that I would not be celebrating the occasion with a big family feast. Instead, I decided to go with a few of my church mates to the Out of the Cold program down at a church on the Danforth and serve dinner to the homeless.
I hadn't been to the Out of the Cold program for ages. Basically, anyone who wishes to, may drop into the church, enjoy a nice hot dinner (squash soup, turkey, mashed potatoes & carrots with ice cream & holiday cookies!) & if they'd like, they could stay the night.
My friend, May and I were assigned to serve table #6. We got the evening meal and served our guests. They were very thankful and polite when receiving the food. For no reason that I can adequately express, I know that I felt deep joy in those moments of helping and serving...there's something very humbling about serving another...
A kind woman who I was conversing with [and hooking her up with the leftover uneaten dessert treats ~ I wrapped them nicely & put them in her plastic bag!] shared with me that "it really makes a difference with you all helping out." I couldn't help it but that brought a smile to my face.
I noticed that every guest that came into the church had either a backpack or two, or a plastic bag. The backpacks & the contents inside were probably ALL of their very possessions... everything that they own. They kept those packs near them & later set it down to secure a spot for their sleeping mat. Those of us who were volunteering would eventually finish up our work and head home to our warm homes. These people only had what was in their bags to live on...
Throughout the night, as I was watching and working, a whole bunch of thoughts were racing through my mind. [what's new?] I wondered in my head whether these guests had loved ones, any children, a partner, what were some of their stories, joys, hurts, hopes, wishes, & dreams? Unfortunately, due to the nature of the evening & the work that I was doing, I wasn't able to sit down to really engage in conversation with anyone too closely. In the end, despite each individual's life circumstance, our guests required food and shelter like we all do & they knew that they could go to Eastminister United Church and find the comforts of food, company & people, as well as shelter.
This exercise in service to others reminded me that it doesn't just have to be done during a special time of year but that serving food & the practice of hospitality can be done everyday. I pray that my eyes & heart would be more conscious & open to those opportunities. I think I'll consider going to serve in the OOTC more often.
After I finished serving, cleaning-up & handing out mats for the guest to sleep on, we all left...my friends went out for dinner @ Congee Queen & I had a date w/ Sherlock Holmes! Despite our lives moving on after a couple of hours of service & the guests satisfying their fatigue (probably walking around all day) resting in the warmth of the basement, I walked away profoundly touched and filled with compassion to serve others who are in need. I walked away feeling that I had contributed, if only a small fraction in helping to satisfy another's hunger, to serve food to another, & in a very real & meaningful way, connect with people just like you and me.
For more information, please visit:
Out of the Cold Program at Eastminister United Church
"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
Matthew 25:34-36
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- Jack-of-all-Trades ~ Clients: Children