Kids these days come to school with an a rather putrid air of entitlement...
the fact of having a right to something...
I believe firmly in a child’s right to education however, there are too many instances where children feel that their actions have no consequences when in fact, their actions can off-sprout so many other things. Accounting for one's actions is at an all time stand still (and when I get involved in asking culprits questions the first thing that they normally say is, "He..she...". Assuming ownership for one's choices & actions is next to non-existent. And, get this, some kids have the audacity to front a broken face when being spoken to about what they did!?!
Many students these days come to expect many things to be done for them and so they have this ingrained laziness demeanour. It’s almost as though they have lack of motivation, poor-like-the pits attitude & learned helplessness. There’s a lot of hand holding such as parents holding their kid’s backpack. Are you kidding me??? . Pick-up your own bag son/daughter! I suppose this is the dilemma and the crossroads that we need to face as we work collectively with the parents to reconcile habits that are instilled at home and than what goes on at school. This is generally a good point of contention during Parent/Teacher interviews!
A case in point
All extra-curricular activities including sports and clubs are strictly voluntary for teachers. Any planned field trips are a privilege for children & not a right...In this day and age, where teachers are stretched to the limit, maybe they don’t want to go the extra mile to call around organizing trips, transportation, collecting money and fill out crazy permission forms. This would especially true if kids weren’t safe and especially if they didn’t deserve it. So, I believe that other types of consequences need to be explored before telling a child that he/she will miss an extra-curriculuar activity due to misbehaviour(s). Being a child who lived, dreamt & ate extra-curricular house league sports, I thrived at school primarily for those opportunities. I was smart though. I kept myself out of trouble & got my homework done because I knew that the consequences that I would suffer would include having those privileges taken away because I knew that I was NOT entitled to those opportunities that teachers provided in their spare time.
Many young people often walk around feeling like the world owes them a big deal when they have yet to contribute anything meaningful to society. They walk around behaving without scruples and in many cases, without any moral values or respect for others. You may be saying, that’s very unfair to say Sophia!. However, I would argue that I’m generalizing in the sense that I speak from my experience and of what I see around me, on public transportation, bus stations, out in public space and in the schools.
There seems to be a lack of responsibility for one’s actions and a confusion about the consequences & ramifications if one chooses certain negative behaviours and paths...So, this is where I'm drawn back to...a student or child's sense of entitlement...they are entitled to a right to education, to be safe, to feel validated as a learner, etc. however, they need to earn and deserve privileges such as extra-curricular clubs, activities & trips. I believe that as you show that you can handle and be trusted with the choices you have been given, then more doors of opportunity, freedom & choice will be rewarded to you.
Here's a little flavour of what I mean...
Teacher's don't only teach...[rolling my eyes & giggling]...that's WHAT we're supposed to do & with all those ministry curriculum learning expectations to cover! Teachers need to be a:
•Psychologist (b/c we can't prescribe drugs!)
[calm the deeply emotional individuals & walk/talk them through problem solving situations and working out their feelings ~ yeah, we talk about feelings...all that good stuff ] AND we don't have a sofa + pillow. It's called, "Sit down on the carpet!"
• Referee
[break-up fights (whether verbal, physical or both)]
• Councillor
[address & deal w/ issues of bullying]
• Doctor
[when a child gets a boo boo, they require ice, a band-aid; Btw, I don't do lice, I leave that up to the "office experts" (ha ha)
• Coach
[Encourage students to achieve their great potential]
• Clown
[What's teaching without comic relief?]
• Storyteller
[Share my own life experiences w/ my students]
• Accountant
[Count trip money, deal w/ school invoices, purchases, etc.]
• Educator
[Includes all the above while helping students discover their natural abilities/talents while challenging them to greatness!]
Why did I just insert a "Jack-of-all-trades" flavour above? It's because we've just completed 4 months of school and I'm still working on behaviour while dealing w/ many of the above issues...oh yeah, throw in the fact that I also teach curriculum material such as the Government of Canada in gr. 5 Social Studies!
Inherent in my philosophy of education as a teacher is establishing good & sound behaviour management along with developing a solid rapport with the students in my classroom. If I don't have this firmly established, I believe I cannot successfully teach. That is why although it has been already 4 tough & challenging months, I'm still hammering routines & expectations and reminding (ad nauseam & painstakingly) the children about making positive choices and the expectations that I have of them WHILE demanding nothing but their best in ALL in all that they do.
To be continued..

Cycling on Hvar Island, Croatia
Hi, welcome to my blog. This is the place where I often retreat to share reflections, thoughts, opinions, & rants...links, movie recommends & photos! Feel free to add your thoughts and opinions.
"Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."
Mother Teresa
"Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."
Mother Teresa
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Teacher's All-time Favourite Classics...hA! hA!
...A Teacher’s Not-so-Favourite Moments...
In no particular order
Untied shoelaces
Hanging boogers
Snotty noses
Tattle Talers
When children activate their non-listening skills
When students have to be told a gazillion times one simple instruction
Repeat lesson instructions you just specifically spent time to explain it (go figure!)
In no particular order
Untied shoelaces
Hanging boogers
Snotty noses
Tattle Talers
When children activate their non-listening skills
When students have to be told
Repeat lesson instructions you just specifically spent time to explain it (go figure!)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Torch Passes Thru ~ Part of the Olympic Experience...
On the morning of Friday, December 18, 2009, our students and many in the community witnessed an amazing moment in seeing the Olympic torch relay pass through. Although the convoy was long and the runner with the torch passed by in mere moments, the memory is forever emblazoned in my mind...

Oh Canada! With Olympic torch used during the relay...
Slideshow courtesy of C. McAuley

Oh Canada! With Olympic torch used during the relay...
Slideshow courtesy of C. McAuley
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Obedience to Christ
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5
Obedience to Christ is not subject or under the restraint of intellect & cannot be peered through the gaze of reasoning. For a follower of Christ, the path that we journey on should be to obey Jesus...
When we try to reason through spiritual matters, we wander into a multiplicity of thoughts which can lead to great confusion. However, by submitting in obedience, our cares, burdens & worries to the Lordship of Christ, we can seek wisdom & discernment.
~My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers
2 Corinthians 10:5
Obedience to Christ is not subject or under the restraint of intellect & cannot be peered through the gaze of reasoning. For a follower of Christ, the path that we journey on should be to obey Jesus...
When we try to reason through spiritual matters, we wander into a multiplicity of thoughts which can lead to great confusion. However, by submitting in obedience, our cares, burdens & worries to the Lordship of Christ, we can seek wisdom & discernment.
~My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers
Having looked the beast in the eye, having given and received forgiveness, let us shut the door on the past, not to forget it, but to allow it not to imprison us.
-Desmond Tutu
Truth & Reconciliaton Commission, Aparteid in South Africa
-Desmond Tutu
Truth & Reconciliaton Commission, Aparteid in South Africa
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Week that Was....
This week was a fantastic week at school. After a challenging 1st term, report card period, and interviews, my grade 5 students are showing me that not only do they have the ability to make consistently positive choices BUT that they can change & be better, not settling for anything less than their best!
This year's group of 24-25 students has been shall I say an interesting and challenging bunch. Although I only spend 1/2 the day with them, they require an influx of energy that ends up being very taxing on me. They are a group of unique, funny, & enjoyable children however the challenges are very evident. Academic performance & capabilities, attitude towards hard work and challenges, as well as being responsible for their own learning...these have all been things that we've taken a close microscopic look at this year so far...although at times, it looked like I was going to raise up the white flag of surrender however, what I preach to the kids, I must do myself...Don't give up!. I may be insane or maybe teaching is just my thing but although my students drive me up the wall & drive me crazy at the worst of times, I still find myself very devoted and caring towards each one of them. My passion in life is my work with children and all the students who I have the privilege of interacting with. So even when I feel like I'm down & out, I can still rise above because this calling has been given to me as a gift in life.
This week was a stellar week and each of my students showed glowingly how they can improve in their own way: Less interruptions, quicker transition time, less calling out, less put downs, being responsible to seek extra help when required, listening attentively, encouraging one another, trying more harder to break their negative habits (e.g., shouting out or talking so loudly), being more organized, etc... The season is still quite young however the urgency is very visibly here & as we continue to "prepare" the kids for an important transition year heading into middle school, we can't rest on our laurels, & trudge to a stagnating beat at our current plateau, but we must progress forwards, carefully, diligently, and ever aware that we have to work hard to constantly improve and to reach for all that potential that's within.
Here's hoping to bigger & better things to come....
This year's group of 24-25 students has been shall I say an interesting and challenging bunch. Although I only spend 1/2 the day with them, they require an influx of energy that ends up being very taxing on me. They are a group of unique, funny, & enjoyable children however the challenges are very evident. Academic performance & capabilities, attitude towards hard work and challenges, as well as being responsible for their own learning...these have all been things that we've taken a close microscopic look at this year so far...although at times, it looked like I was going to raise up the white flag of surrender however, what I preach to the kids, I must do myself...Don't give up!. I may be insane or maybe teaching is just my thing but although my students drive me up the wall & drive me crazy at the worst of times, I still find myself very devoted and caring towards each one of them. My passion in life is my work with children and all the students who I have the privilege of interacting with. So even when I feel like I'm down & out, I can still rise above because this calling has been given to me as a gift in life.
This week was a stellar week and each of my students showed glowingly how they can improve in their own way: Less interruptions, quicker transition time, less calling out, less put downs, being responsible to seek extra help when required, listening attentively, encouraging one another, trying more harder to break their negative habits (e.g., shouting out or talking so loudly), being more organized, etc... The season is still quite young however the urgency is very visibly here & as we continue to "prepare" the kids for an important transition year heading into middle school, we can't rest on our laurels, & trudge to a stagnating beat at our current plateau, but we must progress forwards, carefully, diligently, and ever aware that we have to work hard to constantly improve and to reach for all that potential that's within.
Here's hoping to bigger & better things to come....
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Food Inc. Documentary
This thought-provoking documentary left me with some concluding thoughts...
The food industry - whether it be engineering foods, meat inspection, farming, political games, lobbyists, scrutinizing & being critical of the industry, food contamination in the food chain, etc...
Some points of interest:
• Corn is heavily subsidized by the U.S. government
• snack food calories (cheap)
• bigger predictor of obesity is income level (e.g., $1 burger VS. $1.29 brocoli)
• high fructose corn & refined carbohydrates leads to spike to insulin -> wearing down the system of how are body metabolizes sugar....
• Commodity crops (e.g., corn is the heavy hitter) - soybean, wheat
• Hamburger meat filler that’s been cleansed with ammonia to kill E. Coli...
high fructose corn found in coke!
• We're hard wired for 3 tastes: salt, fat, & sugar
• Engineered foods presses our evolutionary buttons
• Food industry has protections that other industries don’t which makes it difficult for consumers such as you & I to openly criticize
• The meat industry sued Oprah for saying something on her show. Texas cattlemen sued Oprah for disparaging a food product and for loss of profit (she mentioned something about never eating another hamburger)...
The author, journalist & activist, Michael Pollan (Omnivore’s Dilemma) is one of the authorities on the food industry that was featured in the documentary.
Also, read his book, In Defense of Food - An Eater's Manifesto
The food industry - whether it be engineering foods, meat inspection, farming, political games, lobbyists, scrutinizing & being critical of the industry, food contamination in the food chain, etc...
Some points of interest:
• Corn is heavily subsidized by the U.S. government
• snack food calories (cheap)
• bigger predictor of obesity is income level (e.g., $1 burger VS. $1.29 brocoli)
• high fructose corn & refined carbohydrates leads to spike to insulin -> wearing down the system of how are body metabolizes sugar....
• Commodity crops (e.g., corn is the heavy hitter) - soybean, wheat
• Hamburger meat filler that’s been cleansed with ammonia to kill E. Coli...
high fructose corn found in coke!
• We're hard wired for 3 tastes: salt, fat, & sugar
• Engineered foods presses our evolutionary buttons
• Food industry has protections that other industries don’t which makes it difficult for consumers such as you & I to openly criticize
• The meat industry sued Oprah for saying something on her show. Texas cattlemen sued Oprah for disparaging a food product and for loss of profit (she mentioned something about never eating another hamburger)...
The author, journalist & activist, Michael Pollan (Omnivore’s Dilemma) is one of the authorities on the food industry that was featured in the documentary.
Also, read his book, In Defense of Food - An Eater's Manifesto
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Adapted for Gr.1/2
This Wed., the teacher of my gr. 1/2 gym class whispered to me that her class has been having problems with telling the I decided to dedicate 4.2 mins. of the class to telling them a story...
Putting on my serious face & my storyteller hat...I began with...
There once was a boy who loved playing. One day, he was playing with a ball in the backyard when he tried to catch it & happened to trip into a small hole and twist his ankle. Although he was completely okay, he screamed like no tomorrow because he felt like it. His father heard his cries for help and quickly arrived on the scene. As he was tending to his son, the boy pretended to cry his sobs so convincingly before he screamed like no tomorrow and said, "Ha ha father, I was only kidding. Upon hearing this, his father was rather disappointed and with a heavily concerned look about him, he warned his son that due to his scream, he thought his son was in trouble and feeling as such, he ran frantically to his aid. Be a good boy he said and left.
The next day, the boy played in front of the house. He was pretending to fly like an airplane when he tripped over a mid-size rock and fell to the soft dirty and wet ground. Because of his dirty and uncomfortable state, he screamed like no tomorrow. His father heard his cries for help and quickly arrived on the scene. "My sweet boy, my sweet boy, are you okay?" As the father knelt down beside his son, the boy quickly lifted his hands from his face and yelled out, "ha ha, I tricked you...nothing's the matter..." Upon hearing this, his father was rather disappointed and with a heavily concerned look about him, he warned his son that due to his scream, he thought his son was in trouble and feeling as such, he ran frantically to his aid. Be a good boy he said and left.
The following week, the boy went to explore the deep forest. He ventured for twenty or so minutes before he settled on a log to rest his feet. As he was sitting there, he suddenly heard some footsteps echoing off the leaves on the ground. He didn't hear the shuffling of one set of feet BUT of many. As he turned his head towards the footsteps, he saw not one BUT 4 wolves! Upon seeing this, he got up & began to sweat profusely with his chest beating a mile a minute. He retreated towards the tree behind him and quickly followed that with his biggest scream for help His father was in the backyard chopping firewood when he heard his son's cries for help however, he remembered very vividly how he had been tricked and lied to before. So he just decided to ignore the scream as he thought his son was playing with him again.
At this point, I take my fists & pound them softly on the ground to mimic the wolves feet creeping up...
Children, do you know what happened to the boy?
With mouths open & big eyeballs listening attentively..., the kids gulped a big glup and leaned slowly forward yearning for me to continue...
He got chomped up! Done...DEAD!
Why did this happen? Because each of the two previous times, the boy tricked his father into believing that he needed help when he didn't and as such, he had lied ...
If you lie and lie, and get into this awful habit, the ONE TIME you do decide to tell the truth, no one, absolutely no one will believe you.
Let's hope that the children learn to be honest & to speak the truth...
Putting on my serious face & my storyteller hat...I began with...
There once was a boy who loved playing. One day, he was playing with a ball in the backyard when he tried to catch it & happened to trip into a small hole and twist his ankle. Although he was completely okay, he screamed like no tomorrow because he felt like it. His father heard his cries for help and quickly arrived on the scene. As he was tending to his son, the boy pretended to cry his sobs so convincingly before he screamed like no tomorrow and said, "Ha ha father, I was only kidding. Upon hearing this, his father was rather disappointed and with a heavily concerned look about him, he warned his son that due to his scream, he thought his son was in trouble and feeling as such, he ran frantically to his aid. Be a good boy he said and left.
The next day, the boy played in front of the house. He was pretending to fly like an airplane when he tripped over a mid-size rock and fell to the soft dirty and wet ground. Because of his dirty and uncomfortable state, he screamed like no tomorrow. His father heard his cries for help and quickly arrived on the scene. "My sweet boy, my sweet boy, are you okay?" As the father knelt down beside his son, the boy quickly lifted his hands from his face and yelled out, "ha ha, I tricked you...nothing's the matter..." Upon hearing this, his father was rather disappointed and with a heavily concerned look about him, he warned his son that due to his scream, he thought his son was in trouble and feeling as such, he ran frantically to his aid. Be a good boy he said and left.
The following week, the boy went to explore the deep forest. He ventured for twenty or so minutes before he settled on a log to rest his feet. As he was sitting there, he suddenly heard some footsteps echoing off the leaves on the ground. He didn't hear the shuffling of one set of feet BUT of many. As he turned his head towards the footsteps, he saw not one BUT 4 wolves! Upon seeing this, he got up & began to sweat profusely with his chest beating a mile a minute. He retreated towards the tree behind him and quickly followed that with his biggest scream for help His father was in the backyard chopping firewood when he heard his son's cries for help however, he remembered very vividly how he had been tricked and lied to before. So he just decided to ignore the scream as he thought his son was playing with him again.
At this point, I take my fists & pound them softly on the ground to mimic the wolves feet creeping up...
Children, do you know what happened to the boy?
With mouths open & big eyeballs listening attentively..., the kids gulped a big glup
He got chomped up! Done...DEAD!
Why did this happen? Because each of the two previous times, the boy tricked his father into believing that he needed help when he didn't and as such, he had lied ...
If you lie and lie, and get into this awful habit, the ONE TIME you do decide to tell the truth, no one, absolutely no one will believe you.
Let's hope that the children learn to be honest & to speak the truth...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ways of Giving Monetarily...
Sometimes, we give of our time, we give encouragement, a hug, or a lending hand...
but...sometimes, I believe we are moved to respond to give monetarily...
This moving of our hearts causes us to respond by digging into our "wealth" & seek ways to give to others who are in poverty...whether that be to help with a micro-financing initiative in a third world country, assist in giving to help deal with & alleviate the remnants of a global disaster, or just to help provide basic necessities such as clean water, shelter, medicines, mosquito nets, and food to those who are in desperate need...
When I was younger, I used to watch a lot of TV & thus saw all those programs that pleaded with viewers to donate their money to particular causes. I was always smitten by 2 that are ingrained in my mind...the first, the Humane Society asked for donations to help those poor animals ~ to give them a home, medicines to help treat their diseases & sicknesses...the second, helping to alleviate poverty in Africa, especially with all those children dying of starvation...those images of suffering stayed forever in my brain. I was sometimes overwhelmed with tears because of those sad stories & as a kid without money I felt powerless to help in that capacity...Now that things are different & I work full-time, I try to research causes & organizations that I find are reputable and legitimate and make donations based on that. I also watch a lot of documentaries that both inform about prominent issues of the day & that bring many heart wrenching issues to light by promoting awareness & advocacy...
Many NGOs are doing a lot of stellar & important work on the front lines working for and with those who suffer, living in extreme poverty, stricken with disease such as AIDS, orphans, single mothers, those woman who are victims of systematic rape, or those who are most disadvantaged and who cannot survive & fight for themselves...
Here are a few worthwhile organizations & causes you may consider donating money to:
Other worthwhile organizations
[about dolphin slaughter in Japan]
but...sometimes, I believe we are moved to respond to give monetarily...
This moving of our hearts causes us to respond by digging into our "wealth" & seek ways to give to others who are in poverty...whether that be to help with a micro-financing initiative in a third world country, assist in giving to help deal with & alleviate the remnants of a global disaster, or just to help provide basic necessities such as clean water, shelter, medicines, mosquito nets, and food to those who are in desperate need...
When I was younger, I used to watch a lot of TV & thus saw all those programs that pleaded with viewers to donate their money to particular causes. I was always smitten by 2 that are ingrained in my mind...the first, the Humane Society asked for donations to help those poor animals ~ to give them a home, medicines to help treat their diseases & sicknesses...the second, helping to alleviate poverty in Africa, especially with all those children dying of starvation...those images of suffering stayed forever in my brain. I was sometimes overwhelmed with tears because of those sad stories & as a kid without money I felt powerless to help in that capacity...Now that things are different & I work full-time, I try to research causes & organizations that I find are reputable and legitimate and make donations based on that. I also watch a lot of documentaries that both inform about prominent issues of the day & that bring many heart wrenching issues to light by promoting awareness & advocacy...
Many NGOs are doing a lot of stellar & important work on the front lines working for and with those who suffer, living in extreme poverty, stricken with disease such as AIDS, orphans, single mothers, those woman who are victims of systematic rape, or those who are most disadvantaged and who cannot survive & fight for themselves...
Here are a few worthwhile organizations & causes you may consider donating money to:
Other worthwhile organizations
[about dolphin slaughter in Japan]
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Turn it Up!
When it comes to hard work there are three kinds of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses and there’s some that don’t even turn up at all. We back up the sleeve turners. The ones that “dig” it in”, scream “hell yeah” when the instructor barks “ten more”. Our lot view sweat on their brows like a crown of achievement. They’re the ones we applaud. They’re the heroes that box on, leave nothing in the tank and are slaves to the deep burn. To be one you can’t just step up, you’ve got to turn it up
Courtesy Les Mills International
Courtesy Les Mills International
Loathing in Sickness...
The pains of when I get sick...
Today, I came across an interesting piece of info. As I was visiting the doctor checking out my latest respiratory problem, he told me that I had pneumonia when I was 6 yrs-old!
This important new bit of information about my medical history helps me to understand so much...
Every year for many years now, I have been susceptible to getting chronic respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis, throat infection, chest infection, or laryngitis! Annually, due in part, to my occupation (I'm in a yeller's profession), I also face the possibility of losing my voice! Being around children all day and being in an environment where germ phobics are seriously threatened each & every day (I don't know how ppl. w/ OCD can possibly survive!?!)...
In my current state, I struggle for breath, coughing like I feel I'm going to hack out my insides sorry for laying bare the yucky details, sore throat, don't even want to reveal what I hack out, headaches, body temperature changes almost as fast as my mood (ha ha!), feelin' sorry for myself, a complete halt to my regular routines, [shutdown]...I feel helpless & annoyed that I'm in this state...
I took 1.5 days off this past week from school I have 140 sick days so it's tempting just to use ALL those up! Ha! It's frustrating being in this state of sickness because I feel helpless & imprisoned...doing nothing & being confined to hibernation...sleep, rest, doing very low key things, no work (good thing)...
I'm missing the gym like crazy...I've missed 2 classes so far & am in danger of missin' Monday's double the pleasure classes if I don't feel better by then.
...When you're not yourself & when you're not engaging in the things you love to do, it does's not great also to be down & out...HOWEVER, I'm thankful that it will hopefully be only a matter of time before I get better & fully recover...Often, sickness visits me in the guise of remind me in a powerful way that I need to take time out to relax & for my life to take a little-hiatus-of- a-break...Did I mention already that I'm feelin' sorry for myself?
Until then, I can take advantage & rent some movies, Facebook, blog, read...& feel sorry for myself..haha heehee...
Until next time, thanks for reading...
Today, I came across an interesting piece of info. As I was visiting the doctor checking out my latest respiratory problem, he told me that I had pneumonia when I was 6 yrs-old!
This important new bit of information about my medical history helps me to understand so much...
Every year for many years now, I have been susceptible to getting chronic respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis, throat infection, chest infection, or laryngitis! Annually, due in part, to my occupation (I'm in a yeller's profession), I also face the possibility of losing my voice! Being around children all day and being in an environment where germ phobics are seriously threatened each & every day (I don't know how ppl. w/ OCD can possibly survive!?!)...
In my current state, I struggle for breath, coughing like I feel I'm going to hack out my insides sorry for laying bare the yucky details, sore throat, don't even want to reveal what I hack out, headaches, body temperature changes almost as fast as my mood (ha ha!), feelin' sorry for myself, a complete halt to my regular routines, [shutdown]...I feel helpless & annoyed that I'm in this state...
I took 1.5 days off this past week from school I have 140 sick days so it's tempting just to use ALL those up! Ha! It's frustrating being in this state of sickness because I feel helpless & imprisoned...doing nothing & being confined to hibernation...sleep, rest, doing very low key things, no work (good thing)...
I'm missing the gym like crazy...I've missed 2 classes so far & am in danger of missin' Monday's double the pleasure classes if I don't feel better by then.
...When you're not yourself & when you're not engaging in the things you love to do, it does's not great also to be down & out...HOWEVER, I'm thankful that it will hopefully be only a matter of time before I get better & fully recover...Often, sickness visits me in the guise of remind me in a powerful way that I need to take time out to relax & for my life to take a little-hiatus-of- a-break...Did I mention already that I'm feelin' sorry for myself?
Until then, I can take advantage & rent some movies, Facebook, blog, read...& feel sorry for myself..haha heehee...
Until next time, thanks for reading...
The Ethical Consumer
The Ethical Consumer Research Association (ECRA) is the UK's leading alternative consumer organisation. We have been uncovering the truth behind the brand names, and supporting the growth of the ethical market, since 1987.
* ECRA is a not-for-profit, workers' co-operative, dedicated to the promotion of universal human rights, environmental sustainability and animal welfare.
* We produce independent research into the social and environmental records of companies, and to inform the development of ethical consumerism.
* Our funding comes entirely from our readers' subscriptions, adverts from ethically vetted companies and consultancy work for campaign groups and ethical organisations.
DanChurchAid carries out its work with the objective:
* "To help and be advocates of oppressed, neglected and marginalised groups in poor countries and to strengthen their possibilities of a life in dignity."
* ECRA is a not-for-profit, workers' co-operative, dedicated to the promotion of universal human rights, environmental sustainability and animal welfare.
* We produce independent research into the social and environmental records of companies, and to inform the development of ethical consumerism.
* Our funding comes entirely from our readers' subscriptions, adverts from ethically vetted companies and consultancy work for campaign groups and ethical organisations.
DanChurchAid carries out its work with the objective:
* "To help and be advocates of oppressed, neglected and marginalised groups in poor countries and to strengthen their possibilities of a life in dignity."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Ode to GoodLife GroupExercise Classes
The Collective Vibe/The Motivation/The Great Energy
My time at GoodLife these days is completely devoted to GroupExercise classes: BodyPump, BodyAttack, BodyCombat & when I can, BodyStep & BodyVive. Meeting new people and making connections with them is also something that attracts me to the gym. Hearing their stories and experiences and seeing them each week (even at the same classes) is something of a refreshing treat! Beyond that, the classes alone help to keep me fit as I’ve always been keen on regular exercise and being healthy. There is however so much more to benefit when a group of strangers, acquaintances, family and friends come together to accomplish a physical feat! There’s something about collective suffering ...I mean, collective energy & drive that really helps to push yourself to the limit. I remember very vividly coming to less than 30 metres to Uhuru Peak, the highest point of Mount Kilimanjaro and being overwhelmed with tears & elation when I saw my friend (who was ahead of me) pumping her fist & cheering me on loudly to the finish. I’m sure that there are many reasons why people take gym classes but for me it’s just that being together, in the moment, trying to achieve the goal of completing the class without reverting to the options offered (just kidding) or gagging for that matter (my favourite body reaction) is something that truly motivates and propels me forward to completing the class no matter how difficult. [Now, how well I finish a class is a completely different story altogether ~ haha!]
It’s the people ~ the collective doing the same thing, at the same time, working independently yet in collective rhythmic harmony. That energy I speak of is motivating because it helps to drive you to optimal capacity . When you look at your neighbour with sweat dripping down their brow (being pleased that you're not the only one that unleashes sweat like the magnitude of Niagara Falls) & the person in front of you with a shirt that’s soaked right through, or when you see the squished up face & the gritting teeth of someone in the mirror trying to lift that bar one last time during the biceps track... same sweat puddles, same adrenaline pumping, same panting for revival of lung capacity & same synapses firing to cause the muscles to go one more rep. or do one more Superman!
One love, one pain
Thee Instructors
I’ve grown to appreciate and am thankful for the positive impact instructors have in the lives of many members including myself. It amazes me that many of these instructors don’t even teach classes as a full-time job and it’s almost hard to think that beyond their regular day job, they are able to consistently deliver stellar classes while inspiring & motivating us each & every time! Mesmerizing’s a great show to see every single time! There’s so much that is done “behind-the-scenes” that we, as regular lay people members can’t really appreciate but can only imagine the dedicated effort required to prepare for classes. In fact, I’ve heard that the bulk of new releases with the new moves and music are learned while driving in the car! Kudos to the GL instructors because they’re 1st rate & fantastic! Here’s a premature plug (b/c it's coming next), join GoodLife and come out to the GroupExercise classes & I won’t have to convince you because you’ll see how amazing the instructors are for yourself! It’s so awesome to see people so passionate about what they do & it continues to inspire me! It definitely garners a smile out of this face amidst a grueling & painfully challenging class!
The Plug
I know that many teachers take GroupExercise classes because I meet them in our impromptu chats. I also know that they’re many teachers in the gym because who can decline a $339/yr. (*ADVERTISEMENT) membership!?! I often hear teachers unleash about their garden variety of battle woes of behavioural students, report card writing or bad mouthing other teachers (just kidding!)...Yes, I know that they’re teachers in the gym b/c they always talk shop! It’s hard not to vent about the daily stresses that are associated with teaching...even if it’s in a gym change room! Now then, everyone knows your business...teacher or not! HAHA!
For these reasons, I try my best to commit to the classes each week. The allure is not only in the classes where you can hopefully see the benefits but also in the many things that we gain that can’t necessarily be measured so concretely but for which one can still be grateful for.
I’m just happy to be a part of it all.
See you in class!
My time at GoodLife these days is completely devoted to GroupExercise classes: BodyPump, BodyAttack, BodyCombat & when I can, BodyStep & BodyVive. Meeting new people and making connections with them is also something that attracts me to the gym. Hearing their stories and experiences and seeing them each week (even at the same classes) is something of a refreshing treat! Beyond that, the classes alone help to keep me fit as I’ve always been keen on regular exercise and being healthy. There is however so much more to benefit when a group of strangers, acquaintances, family and friends come together to accomplish a physical feat! There’s something about collective suffering ...I mean, collective energy & drive that really helps to push yourself to the limit. I remember very vividly coming to less than 30 metres to Uhuru Peak, the highest point of Mount Kilimanjaro and being overwhelmed with tears & elation when I saw my friend (who was ahead of me) pumping her fist & cheering me on loudly to the finish. I’m sure that there are many reasons why people take gym classes but for me it’s just that being together, in the moment, trying to achieve the goal of completing the class without reverting to the options offered (just kidding) or gagging for that matter (my favourite body reaction) is something that truly motivates and propels me forward to completing the class no matter how difficult. [Now, how well I finish a class is a completely different story altogether ~ haha!]
It’s the people ~ the collective doing the same thing, at the same time, working independently yet in collective rhythmic harmony. That energy I speak of is motivating because it helps to drive you to optimal capacity . When you look at your neighbour with sweat dripping down their brow (being pleased that you're not the only one that unleashes sweat like the magnitude of Niagara Falls) & the person in front of you with a shirt that’s soaked right through, or when you see the squished up face & the gritting teeth of someone in the mirror trying to lift that bar one last time during the biceps track... same sweat puddles, same adrenaline pumping, same panting for revival of lung capacity & same synapses firing to cause the muscles to go one more rep. or do one more Superman!
One love, one pain
Thee Instructors
I’ve grown to appreciate and am thankful for the positive impact instructors have in the lives of many members including myself. It amazes me that many of these instructors don’t even teach classes as a full-time job and it’s almost hard to think that beyond their regular day job, they are able to consistently deliver stellar classes while inspiring & motivating us each & every time! Mesmerizing’s a great show to see every single time! There’s so much that is done “behind-the-scenes” that we, as regular lay people members can’t really appreciate but can only imagine the dedicated effort required to prepare for classes. In fact, I’ve heard that the bulk of new releases with the new moves and music are learned while driving in the car! Kudos to the GL instructors because they’re 1st rate & fantastic! Here’s a premature plug (b/c it's coming next), join GoodLife and come out to the GroupExercise classes & I won’t have to convince you because you’ll see how amazing the instructors are for yourself! It’s so awesome to see people so passionate about what they do & it continues to inspire me! It definitely garners a smile out of this face amidst a grueling & painfully challenging class!
The Plug
I know that many teachers take GroupExercise classes because I meet them in our impromptu chats. I also know that they’re many teachers in the gym because who can decline a $339/yr. (*ADVERTISEMENT) membership!?! I often hear teachers unleash about their garden variety of battle woes of behavioural students, report card writing or bad mouthing other teachers (just kidding!)...Yes, I know that they’re teachers in the gym b/c they always talk shop! It’s hard not to vent about the daily stresses that are associated with teaching...even if it’s in a gym change room! Now then, everyone knows your business...teacher or not! HAHA!
For these reasons, I try my best to commit to the classes each week. The allure is not only in the classes where you can hopefully see the benefits but also in the many things that we gain that can’t necessarily be measured so concretely but for which one can still be grateful for.
I’m just happy to be a part of it all.
See you in class!
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- © 2013-2014 Sophia Yee. All Rights Reserved
- Jack-of-all-Trades ~ Clients: Children